Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tips on facing walls of the kitchen tiles

Most hygienic type of wall covering in the kitchen - it is tile. It is hygroscopic, easy to clean, does not absorb odors, does not collapse from the impact of cleaning and disinfectant, and, importantly, has a high environmental performance. Shops offer a huge choice of tiles, which makes it possible to design the kitchen in any style, picking up color, texture, size of the material in accordance with any queries. To give the kitchen originality, we can choose a tile with a floral ornament, or the elements, sustained in the national color.

If desired, you can not tiled walls, but only part of the working surface: on the desk, sink, stove. The walls above and below this level, you can place a wallpaper or paint.

One of the most important is the choice of color tiles. For kitchen use warm bright hues: orange, cream and yellow. Orange stimulates the appetite, improves digestion process, boosts efficiency. In addition, it is believed that the orange color has a rejuvenating effect on the person. Yellow and cream colors, are believed to have a positive impact on the entire body as a whole. In addition, these colors also contribute to the awakening of appetite.

Working with wall tiles requires great precision, accuracy and attention, because poorly executed work on the laying of the building material not only nullifies the effect of the use of even the most beautiful tiles, but also can damage the general impression from the interior of the kitchen. Optionally, you can use 2 types of disparate patterns, combining the tiles together in a certain sequence and with a certain angle to the floor.

Deliver to attach tiles to the surface with cement mortar or mastic. Cement Prepare a 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 0.5 parts charming, mixing them so as to obtain a viscous mass of a liquid consistency similar to sour cream.Use the solution immediately, since the addition of water in solidifying cement can not be - reduced adhesion strength. Therefore, kneading the cement in small batches, for 5-7 liters, using it within 1.5 hours.

In addition to cement, you can use all kinds of mastic. At home, to carry a small amount of work it is better to buy ready-made, since the postmark prepare yourself is difficult, though possible. As binder, use bitumen, casein glue, plaster and polymers. They are designed to glue tiles on the already plastered concrete, brick and wood surfaces, as well as on the walls, covered with oil paint.

If you decide to prepare a paste alone as the basis for better choose casein glue. Pour powdered adhesive with warm water in the amount specified in the instructions on the package, leave it for 25-30 minutes for the swelling. Then, stirring constantly, add 3 parts of cement, mixed with 1 part fine sand. Continue to interfere until until the mixture is smooth.

Instead of cement, you can add a mixture of sodium fluoride (0.1 parts), hydrated lime (0.5 parts) and limestone powder (2.5 parts). Add water as necessary to the consistency of liquid cream.

Facing wall ceramic tile mastic has a number of features:

  • surface intended for facing, do not moisten with water, and primed 8% solution of the dispersion of PVA;

  • the back side of the tile zagruntuyte dispersion of PVA or a layer of cooked mastics;

  • joints between the stacked tiles should not exceed 2,5 mm;

  • joints between the stacked tiles do not fill with putty to allow the underlying layer to harden.
Before you start laying tile, do the counting of the surface, using a plumb line, nails and cord. One nail type in the upper part of the wall, recoiling from the ceiling and the wall angle of about 35-40 cm, to his hat appeared on the thickness of the wall tiles (note the thickness of cement mortar or mastic). Then attach the hat to plummet, according to which type in the next nail at a distance of 25 cm from the floor so that it touched his hat with a cord.

If the room whose walls you veneer tiles, the height of more than 3 m, then to type in another plumb and intermediate nails. Then take the cord and pull horizontally, vertically and diagonally. In the case ol contact with the surface or between it and the surface will be too long a gap, angled nails need to drive again.

Instead of nails, you can use plaster marks (cakes). They should be installed as well as nails. Press the brand to plaster a wall with trowel or float to the desired height, the cord and plumb.

Before you lay the first (lower, fascia), a number of tiles, it is necessary to take into account its condition: if the floor is not to lay tile or will not be laid on the floor, mark the level of the early laying on it and fasten rail, which will serve as your support for the first row of tiles. If the floor laying, but has a deviation from the horizontal, then trim the bottom row of tiles with the view that their upper edges formed a straight horizontal line. In this case, the cutting of tiles not in the process of preparatory work, but directly in the stacking.

In order to cut tiles, use glass cutters and metal template. In the absence of an ordinary glass cutter cutter fit.Template attach to the whole tile with the front side, then with strong pressure to spend his glass cutter, trying not to make breaks or deviations. Then Break tile cutter hands or lips.

To make a hole in the tile, use a drill and drill the required diameter. Drilling should be careful not rejecting the guide drills, because of the sharp movements tile may crack. In order to avoid its damage during drilling, first make a small hollow, slightly tapping with a hammer on a nail or a hat mounting a sharp metallic tool, setting it at the right place, then drill, widening the hole.

Prior to the start of tile soaked in water for 2-5 hours. During this time, they become saturated, thus increasing the strength of their adhesion to the mortar or mastic.

Before lining and lightly moisten the surface of the wall to the solution quickly grabbed. Solution or apply paste to the surface with a spatula. Spatula attach to the surface at an angle of 45 °. SOLUTION cover not the entire surface, but only that part of it, which will be superimposed tiles within the next 10 minutes. Tiles are put in rows in the direction from the bottom up. Seams between them make about the size of 3 mm. Each tile align light tapping, until it will not rise as needed. One-piece tile attach to the open areas of the wall, cut - in the corners and in closed areas. U door and window openings tile put in such a way that on opposite sides they are symmetrical to each other.

The boundaries of the tiles from the walls and corners to be accurate. To do so, mark them with elastic silicone mastic, in advance of protection against them the edge tiles with adhesive tape. When the sealant is smoothed and hardened, adhesive tape should be removed.

After you have glued the tiles neatly mortar joints. That they look carefully, for it can hold a wooden skewer with a rounded head. Then again wipe the tiles wet cloth.

Seams can be filled with waterproof putty of 1 part white cement, mixed with one part fine sand and linseed oil and chalk, made in the ratio 1: 4. Sales are also ready-made putty to match the tile Their dilute with water according to the instructions on the package.

The solution is grasped with the tiles, usually within a day. After this period, each tile wet wipe cloth, while leaving intact the seams. When lining the walls a color collage (panels of ceramic tile), use a seamless way (otherwise violated the figure), thus laying a better produce than cement, and the paste or glue, suitable for this purpose. Surface under the lining prepare more thoroughly: the local roughness must not exceed 5 mm.

Each series of panels beginning to spread on the floor dry (to make the figure), and then makes laying tiles on the wall. Facing begins in mid-series to panel was symmetrical.

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